There she was! She is the most beautiful thing Jayadratha had ever seen! She was perfect in his eyes. Everything he could have ever wanted. Everyone knew she was sweet as can be and she had the ability to bring a smile to any person’s face. She was so picturesque with curves in all the right places. Jayadratha had been dreaming about this moment all morning. It was a day full of people not noticing him and being pushed around. It had been a long day for the high schooler, and all he wanted to do was take a little break at lunch with his friends and to see this beauty.
One of the upperclassmen ran into him and cut in front of Jayadratha in the lunch line. Jayadratha did not think anything of it because this basically happened every day. He had quickly learned that people like him were at the bottom of the totem pole in the tenth-grade social class system. What could he do, really? It was who he is and since he liked himself, he didn’t think he needed to change.
He finally got himself in the lunch line to quickly grab some food and go eat outside with his friends. However, he could not stop staring at her. He inched closer and closer. His mouth watered. All he wanted was to grab her and run out of the crowded cafeteria. He reached out, but suddenly, she was gone. She was in the hands of some punk, named Bhima or something lame like that, from his chemistry class. Jayadratha watched in despair as the guy carried it away.
Jayadratha was quickly consumed with rage and yelled. “Where do you think you’re going with that!”
The guy turned around and the people around the scene stopped and stared in disbelief. When the guy, Bhima, turned, Jayadratha saw the beauty again.
“Dude, what’s wrong with you,” the guy asked.
“You took what was mine and I want it back!”
Bhima looked down at his tray. “Are you talking about this donut?”
“Yes, I am! I’ve been thinking about it all day. It’s all I’ve wanted!”
“Dude, what are you talking about. This is my doughnut. I bought it this morning,” the guy looked at Jayadratha in confusion.
Jayadratha, unaware of the attention he was receiving from the rest of the room, begged Bhima for the delicious pastry, but Bhima refused and turned to leave. Filled with rage, Jayadratha pounced on Bhima! Bhima was a well-built upperclassman and Jayadratha was basically just a backpack on him. At first, Bhima didn’t even recognize the extra 110 pounds on him.
“Woah! Dude! Get off of me!” Bhima yelled but Jayadratha had come too far. He wasn’t about to give up now.
“Give me the donut!” Jayadratha yelled.
“Okay, fine! You can have it!” Bhima said. When he heard this, Jayadratha climbed off and ran to grab the delicious donut, but Bhima lifted it out of reach.
“You gotta give me something for this. I want you to do my chemistry homework for a month,” Bhima added with a sly smile. Jayadratha nodded and grabbed the donut out of Bhima’s hand and ran out before anyone could change their mind. Outside, Jayadratha looked down at the glazed donut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. He took a giant bite and thought a months’ worth of homework was definitely worth it.
Author's Note: In the original story, Jayadrath was Rajah of Sindhu. He happened to be passing in the forest where the Pandavas were making their settlement for the years of exile. When Jayadrath saw Draupadi, he fell in love and kidnapped her. The brothers eventually found their wife and the kidnapper. When they found their love again, they made Jayadratha become their slave.
I thought fighting over a girl would be just like any old story so why not fight over the next best thing: food! I hope you all enjoy this version of the story but the point I wanted to keep was that even though Jayadrath was an underdog in my story, he still tried to take something that wasn't his.