One day, Krishna said that before the year ended, he would be able to ride the bull, Hastin. Krishna spent months drawing the bull with sweet straw and playing his flute. Eventually, he was able to ride the bull. Krishna taught his village that kindness was the greatest weapon. When the time came, Krishna wanted to marry Radha. However, the family preist revealed to Krishna his true destiny to be the saviour of Dharma.
The evil king Kamsa invites Krishna to his kingdom to try and attempt to kill him. Despite Akrur's warnings, Krishna still agrees to go meet the king. All the villagers were sad upon hearing this news and they tried to stop him. However, Krishna assured them everything would be alright. On the way, Akrur realized fully who Krishna was and he obediently took Krishna to his new home.
When they arrived at Mathura, Krishna and Balaram were loved by all. Here, Krishna was able to heal a disformed woman with kindness and his fame spread more. Kamsa set up a final plan to destroy Krishna. He had his agressive elephant, Kuvalayapida tied up at the palace enterance to trample Krishna as he came into the palace. However, when Kuvalayapida tried to attack Krishna and Balaram, Krishna was able to overpower the beast and destroy it.
Krishna was went to the center of the court and lifted the bow. When he tried to string it, the bow snapped in half. Kasma, seeing this, ordered his men to go and attack Krishna and Balram. However, the brothers were able to take down all the men with ease. Eventually, they came after the king. After an intense battle, Kasma took his last breath and the crowds cheered for their freedom. Krishna, Akrur, and Balram were able to go free Kasma's old father and Krishna's parents. Krishna and Balram decided to stay in Mathura under the leadership of Kasma's old father.
Bibliography: Epified videos: Krishna
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